Brown Technology Innovations

Brown Biomedical Innovations to Impact (BBII)

Brown Technology Innovations provides and manages translational development capabilities to help solidify proof of technical feasibility and of commercial relevance, both of which can de-risk an idea or discovery and turn it into more concrete product opportunities that are attractive to potential industry partners or startup creators.

BBII Support

Brown Biomedical Innovations to Impact (BBII) is a translational commercial development program that supports innovative proof-of-concept projects by helping bridge the funding gap between early-stage biomedical innovations and well-defined commercial opportunities that are attractive to industry partners and investors. ​


  • Funding translational research projects - range from ~$100,000 for 12 months (with possibility of renewal) to ~$250,000 for up to two years. Projects are focused on validation of technical feasibility, commercial relevance, and are expected to generate licensable technology with the potential for company creation at the end of the proposed timeframe.
  • Advising/coaching – by an independent panel of advisors with broad expertise in evaluation, investment and commercialization of biomedical technologies.
  • Partnering/managing – BBII will identify and retain consultants and contract research organizations to leverage development expertise and provide project management support to ensure focus and timely delivery on project milestones.
  • Exploring commercial development opportunities – As opportunities progress, BBII and Brown Technology Innovations will work through established relationships with industry, venture capital, and entrepreneurial start-up resources to find the best path for further development.


BBII awards are intended to develop and add value to biomedical technologies to increase the probability for licensing and commercialization.  It is expected that many projects will require the use of consultants and/or contract research organizations (CROs). BBII will identify and retain consultants and contract research organizations to leverage development expertise and provide project management support to ensure focus and timely delivery on project milestones.

BBII awards may be used to fund projects such as:

  • Identification and/or chemical optimization of small molecule drug candidates
  • Development of therapeutic or diagnostic antibodies or other biologics
  • Evaluation of therapeutic lead candidates in cell based and/or animal models of disease 
  • Identification and validation of a biomarker for efficacy or profiling
  • Development and/or testing of a diagnostic or device prototype
  • Other advanced pre-commercial research

Application Process

BBII Proof of Concept Awards

Interested applicants should review the BBII Request for Proposals - Full Description and Guidelines.

Pre-proposal deadline:
 December 15, 2023
Invitation to submit full proposal: February 2024
Full proposal deadline: April 2024
Presentation to evaluation committee: May 2024
Awards/funding start: June/July 2024

Brown Innovation Fund - Life Sciences Impact Awards

Potential applicants must submit a letter of intent by Monday, February 5, 2024.

  • Letter of intent should include a description of the technology and the unmet need that will be addressed, a brief description of the technology development status and a list of intellectual property, and should be emailed to
  • Up to five applicants will be selected to present a ‘pitch’ to a selection committee. Applicants will work with BBII and Brown Technology Innovations to develop the presentation which will include milestones, budget and commercialization plan. Presentations to the selection committee will occur at the end of March 2024.


The focus of this program is the biomedical sciences, specifically, identification and development of therapeutics, diagnostics or medical devices. Eligible applicants are faculty whose principal appointment is at Brown University specifically, investigators who are covered by the Brown University IP policy and have an obligation to assign IP to Brown University.  Additionally, faculty employed by Brown-affiliated hospital partners Care New England and Lifespan who have a primary academic appointment at Brown University shall be eligible so long as their application includes a letter of support from their employer. For complete eligibility details see BBII Request for Proposals.

Evaluation Criteria

The BBII fund awards are meant to advance technologies to the point where they can be transferred through licensing or receive additional funding through partnering with industry. Proposals will be evaluated on overall potential for commercial relevance.

  • Potential impact and significance
  • Scientific and technical merit
  • Appropriateness of objectives and milestones for achieving commercially relevant proof of concept
  • Unmet need and commercial market
  • Competitive advantages over other technology
  • Patentability of technology
  • Project team
  • Demonstrated interest from potential industry partners

Proposals will be shared with an external investment advisory panel for review and selection for funding. They may also be shared with one or more technical experts and advisors for input on scientific/technical merit or market analysis.